Monday, October 7, 2013

Antara Mummy, Mak dan Mama

Ini kisah kami adik beradik. Kisah berkenaan panggilan terhadap bonda terchenta. Panggilan permulaan adalah 'Mak'. Pelopornya adalah abang saya yang sulung. Tapi bila dia masuk sekolah tadika, che'gu pulak cakap omputeh, dan bila parents datang che'gu tu cakap 'looks whose mummy coming', panggilan 'Mak' bertukar ke 'Mummy', which telah kami adik beradik gunakan for at least 10 tahun.

Then, dengan kemunculan adik perempuan pertama saya, dia dengan tak semena-mena, tukar balik panggilan tu kepada 'Mak' (walaupun orang lain panggil bonda 'Mummy'). Dan panggilan 'Mak' tu lekat pulak walaupun kami 3 beradik yang sulung dah panggil bonda as 'Mummy' selama ni.

Akhirnya, muncullah adik saya yang bongsu. Panggilan bertukar sekali lagi. Sekarang ni jadi 'Mama' pulak. Ketiga-tiga panggilan masih digunakan, tapi 'Mummy' tersangatla rare sekarang. Hanya abah yang guna most of the time. Yang kami 5 beradik ni bercampur-campur aduk panggilannya. Tapi tak kisahlah kan, asalkan maksudnya sampai. Boleh pulak macam tu kan? Hehe... :p

Monday, March 18, 2013

Happy Birthday ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Yesterday was March 17, and it's the day my brother turned 20(;゜0゜) I can't believe he's 20 already. Time move so fast -_-;;

When we were younger, we are the best buddy. We tell secrets to each other, even when the secret is about our crushes. Being kids, even when we promise not to tell, my mother always be the next person to know.

He use to be a timid person when I'm the outspoken one. Then he started going to school and suddenly, he become the outspoken one while I grew timid. I have extremely Low self esteem for quite a long period of time, so I depended a lot on him during that. He grew frustrated about it a lot of time, especially when I need him to become my mouth in public. But I'm really thankful that he still help me, eventhough he's reluctant at times.

We do lots of crazy stuff together, mainly because we are close in age, and my older brother prefer to spend his time reading, and he's not as crazy as both of us. And me being the older one, and the more adventerous one, I always become the mastermind(even in the rare occasion  when my older brother join us). Put us in a room together, we'll come up with something crazy to do.

Our favourite was pretense fight. We make up rules along the way, which include things like 'no biting' and 'no tickling'. Often, it will end up with real fights, and one of us will end up crying.

I bully him a lot, and thinking back, some of the stuff I did to him is really dangerous! I'm glad that he's still well and alive nowadays. The bullying stop as we get older, since he grow bigger and along with it, he also got a terrible temper sometimes ;p

Eventhough I'm the leader of us two, my brother is the one who got hurt most of the time. Once, while wearing my school uniform, I tried to show him how I jump onto the sofa. And eventhough I told him to stay by the sofa, he followed me while I run. I don't know what happen, but we were too close together, I accidently tripped him and he fell, hitting his head on the corner tile by the wall, leaving a deep hole on his forehead. I was really scared and try to wash the blood away, but he was crying so much I had to call my mom who worked an hour drive away from our house. I went to school with blood on my uniform that day. To this day, it still leave a visible scar.

But I'm really glad that even to this day, we're still close. He's the only one of my siblings that I could talk comfortably to. So no matter how old you get, I hope I can still count on you, brother. And you can count on me too. But don't ask for money. I don't have much(ーー;)

My last wish: Wish you a really HAPPY BIRTHDAY. May Allah bless you Always!!

Roger and out~

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My SisTer( ̄▽ ̄)

I have 2 younger sisters. Both of them are adorable, and both of them are annoying at times, like all female siblings you people out there have.

My youngest sister is the apple of the family eyes. She's adorable, and cheeky. She pick up the way the adult around her talk. Often, it sound funny coming out of a 5 years old mouth. For example, the way she response while watching the news with one of my aunt, where a man got stuck in a machine.
"Tersepit mesin? Ish bahaya tu..."

My other younger sister is 14. She's great at art, doing craft, painting, doing that kind of stuff. I was 10 and my younger brother was 6 when she was born. My older brother was away at a boarding school. So she spent pretty much of her time doing things on her own, as me and my younger brother were to big to play with babies, but too young to appreciate babies cuteness :)

Surprisingly, spending lots of her time watching cartoon, my sister started speaking english, to the point that a lot of Malay words confuse her. She often ignore my grandmother as she didn't understand a word my grandmother was saying, as she was speaking in dialect.My grandmother was talking to her one day and she turned to my mother, asking, "is she talking to me?"

It is really funny most of the time. She speaks Malay now, but has an annoying habit of not being able to concentrate when people are talking. Just the other day, I opened a youtube video on her laptop, and left it to do my prayer. And we got into a funny and frustating conversation:

"Adik, jangan tutup video yang kakak bukak dekat laptop hang."
"Kakak bukak video kat laptop hang, jangan tutup."
"Ha?" Again -_-;;
"Kakak bukak video youtube dekat laptop hang. Jangan tutup"
"Eh, adik xde bukak youtube"
At this point, I was getting angry, so I shouted,
"Kakak yang bukak!"
And then, came her response,
"Oh, oh. Ok. Tutupkan video youtube yang hang bukak tu?"